Kathmandu, Nepal – The three-day orientation program for the newly recruited cluster project coordinators of the TF supported program, “Securing and Deepening Community Forest Rights in Nepal through Local Governments and Coordinated Local Actions” has started from 28th March, 2023. The program is being organized by three consortium partners of the TF support program, Nepal, namely Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN), Green Foundation Nepal (GFN), and Center for Indigenous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED).
The formal session of the training was chaired by Ms. Bharati Kumari Pathak, Chairperson, FECOFUN, in the presence of chief guest, Dr. Sindhu Dhungana, Member Secretary, President Chure-Tarai Madhesh Conservation Development Board, and guests, Dr. Ganga Ram Dahal, Focal Point, TF supported Program, Mr. Ghanshyam Pandey, Chair, GFN, and Dr. Pasang Sherpa, Chair, CIPRED.
On the first day of training, 30 cluster project coordinators are oriented on different thematic topics by Dr. Sindhu Dhungana, Dr. Pasang Sherpa, Mr. Ghanshyam Pandey and Ms. Ganga Bista. The training on the first day was moderated by Dr. Sita Aryal, ED, FECOFUN. Second day of training is going on where Dr. Ganga Ram Dahal, Mr. Sujan Khanal, Mr. Shandesh Chaudhary, Mr. Arjun Chapagain and Mr. Prem Subedi are going to facilitate on the different topics. Mr. Mankesh Gupta is moderating the second day of training. The overall logistics and administration of the program are being managed by Mr. Shandesh Chaudhary, Admin and IT Manager, FECOFUN.
The orientation program aims to equip the cluster project coordinators with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement the program in their respective regions. The program will cover a range of topics, including community forestry governance, mapping, Tenure rights, sustainable forest management, gender equality and social inclusion, livelihoods and Enterprises development.
Speaking at the event, Ms. Bharati Kumari Pathak, Chairperson, FECOFUN, highlighted the importance of the program in securing the rights of local communities to forest. She urged the newly recruited cluster project coordinators to work with dedication and commitment towards securing community forestry rights.
The overall aim of the TF supported program is to recognize the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in forest and land resources. To achieve, the project will facilitate local governments and forest communities (Indigenous Peoples and local communities- IPs and LCs) to recognize, secure and deepen community forest rights over at least 127 local governments (100 local government from previous phase and 27 from the second phase) covering 262,000 ha (160,000 ha from the phase I and 102,000 ha in the phase II) with intensive interventions for improved well-being and good forest governance.
The orientation program will conclude on 30th March, 2023, and is expected to prepare the newly recruited cluster project coordinators to effectively contribute to the program’s objectives.